Resources, Race, and Health: Spatial Patterning of General and Race-Specific Mortality in the United States
P. Johnelle Smith, University of Texas at San Antonio
Corey S. Sparks, Pennsylvania State University
Spatial patterns emerge when examining mortality risks in the United States. Spatial clusters are particularly pronounced for racial/ethnic groups. However current literature addressing this distribution of mortality risks has not fully explained the mechanisms influencing this spatial distribution or how spatial dependence may create a mortality advantage. This paper will examine the interaction between race and resources as they relate to overall mortality rates for the entire U.S. population as well as for Black- and Hispanic-specific mortality rates. Using data from the Compressed Mortality Files, U.S. Census Bureau, and Area Resource Files we use spatial regression methods to examine overall, Black- and Hispanic-specific mortality rates. Preliminary results indicate significant spatial patterning of mortality with respect to the percentage of Blacks and Hispanic residents in counties and access to local medical care. We further explore the effects of local socioeconomic, healthcare and demographic indicators on general and race-specific mortality rates.
Presented in Poster Session 1