Impact of Dating Violence on Reproductive Health Behavior of Young Teens in California: Results from CHIS 2003
Heike Thiel de Bocanegra, University of California, San Francisco
Marina J. Chabot, University of California, San Francisco
Carrie Lewis, University of California, San Francisco
Philip Darney, University of California, San Francisco
While the association between intimate partner violence (IPV) and unintended pregnancy has been well established, there exists limited research specifically among adolescents. We examine the relationship of IPV with sexual behavior and contraceptive use among teens ages 14-17 using the 2003 California Health Interview Survey (n=2,592)data. We also explore the influence of interpersonal violence (e.g. involvement in fights), health risk behaviors (tobacco, alcohol, and substance use)and demographic variables (race/ethnicity, insurance status, parents’ marital status). Additionally, we investigate whether the associations differ by gender. More than one in five (22%) teens are sexually active; of these sexually active teens, 23% are not using any method of contraception or had used it inconsistently. Data suggest that 8% of adolescents ever experienced IPV. Adolescent males (10%) are significantly more likely than adolescent females (6%) to report IPV by partners. We will describe the unique association of these variables among adolescents.
Presented in Poster Session 2