Postpartum Care (PPC): Levels and Determinants in Developing Countries
Alfredo L. Fort, Macro International Inc.
Monica Kothari, Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH)
Noureddine Abderrahim, Macro International Inc.
Maternal mortality continues to be high in many countries of the developing world. There is a better understanding of conditions contributing to deaths, such as postpartum hemorrhage, which occurs shortly after birth. There is little information on a wide scale about the occurrence and timing of postpartum care. This study uses recent DHS data from 30 developing countries to shed some light on this service. Results show that about one-half of all births in these countries continue to occur outside health institutions and 70% of these births do not receive PPC. Timing of first care is usually 2-3 days postpartum. Women who receive PPC are more likely to live in wealthier households, have received antenatal care, are educated beyond primary level, live in urban areas, and are more exposed to the media. Some relationships are less clear or reversed for postpartum care performed by TBAs or other non-skilled attendants.
Presented in Poster Session 2