Session 116:
Couple Dynamics, Sexual Behavior, and Family Planning
Chair: Francis Nii-Amoo Dodoo, Pennsylvania State University
Discussant: Monique M. Hennink, Emory University
Sexual Risk Taking among Adult Dating Couples in the U.S.: The Influence of Respondent, Partner and Relationship Characteristics John O.G. Billy, Battelle- Centers for Public Health Research and Evaluation ; William R. Grady, Battelle- Centers for Public Health Research and Evaluation ; Morgan Sill, Battelle- Centers for Public Health Research and Evaluation
Power, Trust, and Pleasure: Relationship Components of Contraceptive Negotiations Julie Fennell, Brown University
HIV/AIDS in Tanzania: Gender Based Structural Interventions Susan Mlangwa, University of Minnesota ; Ann Meier, University of Minnesota
Couples Reproductive Intentions in Two Culturally Contrasting States of North Eastern India Abhishek Singh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Faujdar Ram, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Rajiv Ranjan, Futures Group International
Other sessions on Fertility, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health