Session 23:
Explaining the SES-Health Gradient
Chair: Brian K. Finch, San Diego State University
Discussant: Lisa M. Bates, Columbia University
“Bad Jobs” and Health: Do Negative Work Exposures Work Together? Sarah A. Burgard, University of Michigan
A Dynamic Approach of SES Mortality Differentials: Recent Evidences on the Link between Mortality and Occupational Careers in France Emmanuelle Cambois, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED) ; Caroline Laborde, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)
Does the Effect of Income on Health Still Increase with Child Age? Janet Currie, Columbia University ; Wanchuan Lin, University of California, Los Angeles
The Evolution of the Schooling-Smoking Gradient Donald Kenkel, Cornell University ; Alan Mathios, Cornell University
Other sessions on Health and Mortality