Session 51:
Population Perspectives on Mental Health
Chair: Michelle J. Hindin, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Discussant: Christopher L Seplaki, Johns Hopkins University
Crime Load and Mental Health Decline: Longitudinal Evidence from the Mexican Family Life Survey Facundo Cuevas, University of California, Los Angeles ; Luis Rubalcava, University of California, Los Angeles and Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) ; Graciela M. Teruel, University of California, Los Angeles and Universidad Iberoamericana
Marital Status and Psychological Wellbeing of Filipino Women Socorro A. Gultiano, University of San Carlos ; Graeme Ferdinand D. Armecin, University of San Carlos
Domestic Violence as a Risk Factor for Psychosis in Bolivia Kiersten Johnson, Macro International Inc.
Why Women Attempt Suicide: The Role of Mental Illness and Social Disadvantage in a Community Cohort Study in India Joanna Maselko, Harvard School of Public Health ; Vikram Patel, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Other sessions on Health and Mortality