Session 6:
Evaluating Social Development Programs in Low-Income Countries: New Initiatives
Chair: Harsha Thirumurthy, Center for Global Development and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Discussant: Alan de Brauw, Williams College
The Impact of School Meals on School Participation: Evidence from Rural India Farzana Afridi, Syracuse University
Matching the Gold Standard: Evidence from a Social Experiment in Nicaragua John A. Maluccio, Middlebury College ; Sudhanshu Handa, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Family Planning and Fertility: Estimating Program Effects Using Cross-Sectional Data Claus C. Pörtner, University of Washington ; Kathleen Beegle, World Bank Group ; Luc Christiaensen, World Bank Group
The Impact of Conditional Cash Transfers on Household Composition, Fertility, and Migration in Central America Paul C. Winters, American University ; Guy Stecklov, Hebrew University of Jerusalem ; Jessica Todd, American University
Other sessions on Population, Development, and Environment