Session 78:
Family Change, Development, and Environment
Chair: Valerie Durrant, National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Discussant: John Strauss, University of Southern California
Household Transitions in Grassland Settlement: The View from Kansas Myron P. Gutmann, University of Michigan ; Susan Hautaniemi Leonard, University of Michigan ; Glenn D. Deane, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY)
Gone with the Wind? Hurricane Risk, Fertility and Education Claus C. Pörtner, University of Washington
Moving Women: Household Composition, Labor Demand and Crop Choice Isaac Mbiti, Brown University
The Intra-Household Economics of Polygyny: Fertility and Child Mortality in Rural Mali Harounan Kazianga, World Bank Group ; Stefan Klonner, Cornell University
Other sessions on Population, Development, and Environment