Poster Session 5
Exploratory Study of the New Migration Stream from the Former Soviet Union to Ireland Sofya Aptekar, Princeton University
Labor Adaptation of the Internally Displaced Population Maria Aysa, Florida International University
Refugee Transition to Legal Permanent Resident Status: Characteristics and Timing Kelly J. Jefferys, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ; John F. Simanski, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Dynamics of Internal Migration Determinants for American Jews, 1985-1990 and 1995-2000 Uzi Rebhun, Hebrew University of Jerusalem ; Sidney Goldstein, Brown University
International Migration, Regional Variation, and Human Capital Formation in Mexico Fernando Riosmena, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Urbanization in India and China: Interpreting the UN Projections Sergei Scherbov, Vienna Institute of Demography
Household Versus Neighborhood Socio-Economic Status and Their Effects on Adolescent Health in Urban Johannesburg and Soweto: What Can Neighborhood Members Tell Us? Zoe A. Sheppard, Loughborough University ; Paula Griffiths, Loughborough University ; Shane Norris, University of the Witwatersrand ; John M. Pettifor, University of the Witwatersrand and Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital ; Noel Cameron, Loughborough University
The Heritability of Psychological Resiliency Jason D. Boardman, University of Colorado at Boulder ; Casey Blalock, University of Colorado at Boulder
Dried Blood Spot Collection and Elution Procedures for Measurement of Retinol Binding Protein: A Biomarker of Vitamin A Status for Field Research Eleanor Brindle, University of Washington ; Masako Fujita, University of Washington ; Dean Garrett, Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) ; Jonathan Gorstein, University of Washington ; Bettina Shell-Duncan, University of Washington ; Kathleen A. O'Connor, University of Washington
Access to Antenatal Care Services in Public and Private Sectors and Service Utilization in Vietnam Mai Do, Tulane University
The Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Addressing Public Health in Post-Conflict Situations: A Case Study from the Democratic Republic of Congo Jessica L.W. Flannery, Emory University
SES, Stress, Biomarkers, and Taiwan Omer Gersten, University of California, Berkeley ; Tom Boyce, University of British Columbia ; Paola Timiras, University of California, Berkeley
Prevalence of Contraindications to Oral Contraceptives and Efficacy of a Self-Screening Instrument in a Predominantly Hispanic Sample Daniel Grossman, Ibis Reproductive Health ; Leticia E. Fernandez, University of Texas at El Paso ; Kristine Hopkins, University of Texas at Austin ; Jon Amastae, University of Texas at El Paso ; Kari White, University of Texas at Austin ; Sandra G. Garcia, Population Council
Centenarians in the United States: Information from Census 2000 Karen Humes, U.S. Census Bureau ; Victoria Velkoff, U.S. Census Bureau
Quality of Maternal Health Care and Its Impact on Utilization of Services in India: An Assessment Ram Manohar Mishra, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Fatal Lockup: An Examination of Prison and Parole Mortality in United States’ State Correctional System Evelyn J. Patterson, University of Pennsylvania
Social Disparities in Overweight and Obesity among Nearly Elderly and Elderly People in Taiwan Zhihong Sa, University of Maryland ; Ulla M. Larsen, University of Maryland
Where Weight Waxes and Wanes: Spatial Variation in Adult Body Mass Index Ken R. Smith, University of Utah ; Barbara Brown, University of Utah ; Jessie Fan, University of Utah ; Cathleen Zick, University of Utah ; Miller Harvey, University of Utah
Health and Mortality: A Longitudinal Analysis of the ECHP Data Daniele Spizzichino, Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
Religious Teachings and Influences on the ABCs of HIV Prevention Jenny Trinitapoli, University of Texas at Austin
Immigrant Children and Overweight: Could Maternal Employment Be a Contributing Factor? Elizabeth H. Baker, Bowling Green State University ; Kelly Balistreri, Bowling Green State University
Do Household Economic Shocks Influence Sexual Behavior Choices? Evidence from the Cape Area Panel Study Taryn Dinkelman, University of Michigan ; Murray Leibbrandt, University of Cape Town
All for One and One for All? Women’s Relative Power and Maternal-Child Health in Haiti Jennifer Toller Erausquin, University of California, Los Angeles
Contestation and Compliance: Adolescent Girls’ Attitudes toward Domestic Violence in Ghana Ashley E. Frost, Pennsylvania State University
The Influence of Socioeconomic Disadvantage and Low Birth Weight on Child Academic Achievement Bridget J. Goosby, University of Michigan ; Jacob E. Cheadle, University of Michigan
The Multiple Contexts of Food Insecurity: Evaluating the Impact on Child Energy Balance Lori Kowaleski-Jones, University of Utah
Physical Dating Victimization among Female College Students in Chile: Prevalence and Risk Factors Jocelyn Lehrer, University of California, San Francisco ; Vivian Lehrer, Urban Justice Center ; Evelyn Lehrer, University of Illinois at Chicago ; Zhenxiang Zhao, University of Illinois at Chicago
Sexual Coercion from Male Adolescent Perspectives: Evidences from a Qualitative Study in Buenos Aires Hernan M. Manzelli, University of Texas at Austin
Preschool Child Care Arrangements in China Yi Pan, University of California, Los Angeles
Neighborhood Stress Effects on Changes in Adolescent Mental Health Karen A. Snedker, Seattle Pacific University ; Jerald Herting, University of Washington ; Emily C. Walton, University of Washington
Paternal Childcare in the Early Years in the U.K.: Determinants and Consequences for the School Readiness of Girls and Boys Elizabeth Washbrook, University of Bristol
Does School Education Reduce Childhood Obesity? Ning Zhang, Cornell University
Redevelopment and Integration in the Rust Belt Michael Bader, University of Michigan
Continuity and Change of the Transition from School to Work of Russian Men and Women, 1966 to 2005 Christoph Buehler, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research ; Dirk Konietzka, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Graduation Rates by Type of First College Attended Anne K. Driscoll, University of California, Davis
Missed Days from Work and Opportunity Costs for Obtaining an Abortion among Cambodian Women: A Case Study Rukmini Potdar, Ipas ; Tamara Fetters, Ipas
When Home Becomes Work: Measuring Home-Based Work Measures in the 2004 ATUS and the May 2004 CPS Work Schedules Supplement Sara Raley, University of Maryland ; Vanessa Wight, University of Maryland
The Impact of Work Characteristics on Fertility Intentions Karina M. Shreffler, Pennsylvania State University
Academic Outcomes of Youth in “Non-Traditional" Two-Parent Families: The Effects of Immigrant Status Kathryn H. Tillman, Florida State University ; Ursula Keller, Florida State University
The Hazards of Transforming Infant Mortality with Logs: The General Pattern of 20th Century Infant Mortality Decline in 22 Countries David Bishai, Johns Hopkins University ; Marjorie Opuni-Akuamoa, Johns Hopkins University
Measuring Quantum and Tempo of Vital Events by Two-Dimensional Cohort Life Table Functions Kiyosi Hirosima, Shimane University
Estimation of the Life Expectancy at Birth for the Non-Aboriginal Population in the Territories Combined in Canada, 2002-2004 Ravi B.P. Verma, Statistics Canada
Evidence for Stopping Behavior, Not Delayed Reproduction, as the Driving Force of Fertility Transition among Lehrerleut Hutterites of Montana Kimber Haddix McKay, University of Montana ; Apryle Pickering, University of Montana
Birth Prevention Behavior among Mothers of Children with Disabilities Maryhelen D. MacInnes, Michigan State University
The Personal is More Political: Abortion Attitudes in 1984 and 2004 Katherine Mathews, Pomona College ; Jill Grigsby, Pomona College
Factors Affecting Kenyan Adolescents' Childbearing Desires Andrew Muriuki, University of Missouri at Columbia ; Marjorie Sable, University of Missouri at Columbia
Social Group Membership Associated with Accurate Abortion Knowledge among Women in Rural Malawi Valerie A. Paz Soldan, Tulane University
Causes of Unmet Need for Contraception in the Developing World Gilda Sedgh, Guttmacher Institute ; Rubina Hussain, Guttmacher Institute
Preference for Number and Sex of Children and Compliance with Birth Control Policy in Rural China Yue Zhuo, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY)
Endogamy of Foreign-Born Population in Spain: Individual and Structural Factors Clara Cortina, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; Albert Esteve, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; Andreu Domingo, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; Anna Cabré, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Does Immigration Status Influence Relationship Formation among Fragile Families? Cassandra J. Dorius, Pennsylvania State University
Trends in Educational Assortative Marriage in China from 1970 to 2001 Hongyun Han, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Change in Opportunities for Meeting a Partner and the Marriage Decline in Japan Miho Iwasawa, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan ; Fusami Mita, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan
African American Residential Mobility: An Analysis of Individual and Contextual Factors Cecily Darden Adams, University of Maryland
Intergenerational Transfer of Educational Attainment among Immigrant Families: Findings from the Los Angeles Family & Neighborhood Study Amy Carroll Scott, University of California, Los Angeles
Examining the Gender Earnings Gap: Occupational Differences and the Life Course Jennifer Cheeseman Day, U.S. Census Bureau ; Barbara Downs, U.S. Census Bureau
Examining and Explaining Racial/Ethnic Variation in the Gender Division of Household Labor Bijou R. Hunt, University of Maryland
Religious Affiliation, Religiosity, Family-Related Attitudes, and Contraceptive Use in the United States, 2002 William D. Mosher, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), CDC ; Jo Jones, National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), CDC
Men’s Involvement in Maternal Care during Pregnancy and Child Birth in Rural Maharashtra Abhishek Singh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Faujdar Ram, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)