Poster Session 6
Towards the Integration of Immigrants in Quebec’s Qualified Workforce: An Overview of the First Years following Their Arrival and the Effects of Selection Policies Karine Bégin, Université de Montréal ; Jean Renaud, Université de Montréal
Determinants of International Migration: Empirical Evidence for Migration to Spain Maria del Mar Cebrian, Universidad de Salamanca
Migration, Socio-Economic Status and Health Dynamics in Developing World Settings, Evidence from Demographic Surveillance Sites Mark Collinson, University of the Witwatersrand ; Kubaje Adazu, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ; Ariel Nhacolo, Manhica Health Research Center (CISM)
The Impact of Geographic Cost of Living Adjustments on School Lunch Eligibility Douglas Geverdt, U.S. Census Bureau
Does the Risk for Childhood Diabetes Vary by Community Area in Chicago? Diana S. Grigsby-Toussaint, University of Illinois at Chicago ; Laurie Ruggiero, University of Illinois at Chicago ; Rebecca Lipton, University of Chicago
Population Pressure, Agricultural Resources and Environment: Temporal and Spatial Analysis in India Dayanand G. Satihal, J.S.S. Institute of Economic Research ; Pradeep Kumar Bhargava, Population Research Centre, Dharwad, India
A Spatial Examination of the 'New West' in Inter-Mountain West Communities Richelle Winkler, University of Wisconsin at Madison ; Bill Buckingham, University of Wisconsin at Madison ; Don Field, University of Wisconsin at Madison ; Al Luloff, Pennsylvania State University ; Rick Krannich, Utah State University
Sex and Ethnic Differences in Psychological Distress among Older Taiwanese Adults: Relationships over Time Chi Chiao, National Cheng Kung University ; Amanda Botticello, Rutgers University
Mapping and Testing Spatial Clusters of Diabetes in the U.S. Ronald E. Cossman, Mississippi State University ; Jeralynn S. Cossman, Mississippi State University ; Wesley James, Mississippi State University ; Troy Blanchard, Mississippi State University ; Richard Thomas, University of Tennessee Health Science Center ; Louis Pol, University of Nebraska, Omaha ; Erdenechimeg Eldev-Ochir, Mississippi State University
Relation between Diabetes and Certain Morbidities in Elderly Population in Puerto Rico Ana Luisa Davila, University of Puerto Rico ; Alberto Garcia, University of Puerto Rico ; Mary McEniry, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Gender Empowerment in the Context of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic Kim Deslandes, Université de Montréal ; Simona Bignami, Université de Montréal
Stress and the SES-Health Gradient: Getting under the Skin Jennifer Dowd, University of Michigan ; Allison Aiello, University of Michigan ; Mary Haan, University of Michigan
Contextual Factors of STI/HIV-Related Sexual Partnership in Urban North Carolina Maria Khan, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; David A. Wohl, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Caroline Moseley, Guilford County Department of Public Health ; Kathy Norcott, Sickle Cell Disease Association of the Piedmont (SCDAP) ; Jesse Duncan, Triad Health Project ; Sandy Michael, NIA Community Action Center ; Nancy Jackson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Adaora A. Adimora, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Sharon Weir, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Ghanaian Traditional Healers: The Effect of Formalized Training on Their Level of Knowledge of Family Planning and Contraceptive Techniques and Their Attitudes towards Collaboration with Biomedical Institutions Juno C. Lawrence, Emory University
Educate a Woman and Save a Nation: The Relationship between Maternal Education and Infant Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa Nyovani Madise, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) ; Eliya M. Zulu, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) ; Zoe Matthews, University of Southampton
Prevalence of Measurement Data on the Impacts of HIV/AIDS among Those Aged 50 and Older: An Examination of Cohort and Period Transitions James W. McNally, University of Michigan
Living Arrangement: How Does It Relate to the Health of the Elderly in India? Mitali Sen, University of Maryland ; James Noon, University of Maryland
Marital Status, Intergenerational Co-Residence and Cardiovascular and All-Cause Mortality among Middle-Aged and Older Men and Women during Wartime in Beirut: Gains and Liabilities Abla Sibai, American University of Beirut ; Astrid Fletcher, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Socioeconomic Status and Health: Focusing on Co-Morbidity of Self-Rated Health and Psychological Well-Being Seung-Eun Song, University of Texas at Austin ; Hyeyoung Woo, University of Texas at Austin
Does Experience Make Better Doctors? Evidence from Lasik and Other Refractive Eye Surgeries Ignez M. Tristao, Congressional Budget Office (CBO) ; Juan M. Contreras-Tirado, Congressional Budget Office (CBO) ; Beomsoo Kim, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Racial Differences in Infant Mortality by Cause: Florida, 1980-2000 Jessica C. Bishop, Florida State University ; Isaac W. Eberstein, Florida State University
Main Factors Associated with College Major Choices of the Undergraduate Students in Bangladesh Syeda Tonima Hadi, University of Hawaii at Manoa
The Tie That Binds: Early Marriage and Women’s Empowerment in Two Indian States Sanyukta Mathur, International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) ; Jeffrey Edmeades, International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) ; Sreela DasGupta, International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) ; Anju Malhotra, International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) ; Dipankar Bhattacharya, International Center for Research on Women (ICRW)
Explaining Race Differences in Student Behavior and Academic Achievement: The Relative Contribution of Student, Peer, and School Characteristics Clara G. Muschkin, Duke University ; Audrey N. Beck, Duke University
Which State Policies Explain Racial Disparities in U.S. Infant Health? Laura Prichett, Johns Hopkins University
How Do Adolescent Mothers Fare in Later Life? Experiences from Urban vs. Rural Teen Mothers in Colombia, a Middle-Income Country Andrés Salazar, Universidad de La Sabana
The Impact of Immigration on Child Health: Experimental Evidence from a Migration Lottery Program Steven Stillman, Motu Economic and Public Policy Research ; John Gibson, University of Waikato ; David McKenzie, World Bank Group
Marital Relationships and Women’s Status: Intergenerational Effects on Age at First Sex Ushma D. Upadhyay, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
The Impact of Bolsa Escola Program on Child’s Grade Progression Rates in Brazil Ana P. Verona, University of Texas at Austin
Family Life Course Transitions and Household Economy in Dynamic Perspective: A Comparative Analysis of Households in China & Northern Vietnam Feinian Chen, North Carolina State University
Income Inequality and Health: A Multilevel Analysis Investigating Interactions with (Non)Metropolitan Status, Sex, Income and Race/Ethnicity Suzanne C. Eichenlaub, University of Washington
The Effect of Minimum Wages on Immigrants Pia Orrenius, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas ; Madeline Zavodny, Agnes Scott College
Occupational Sex Segregation in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Insights from the 2001 Census Sangeeta Parashar, University of Maryland
Women’s Educational Attainment, 2000-2005 Annette Rogers, U.S. Census Bureau
Has the Child Tax Credit Increased Fertility in the United States? James M. Sallee, University of Michigan
Applying the Current Core Based Statistical Area Standards to Historical Decennial Census Data Todd K. Gardner, U.S. Census Bureau
The Role of Models in Model-Assisted and Model-Dependent Estimation for Domains and Small Areas Risto Lehtonen, University of Helsinki ; Mikko Myrskylä, University of Pennsylvania ; Carl-Eric Särndal, Université de Montréal ; Ari Veijanen, Statistics Finland
Six Global Maps of Urban Land Cover: Comparison and Validation David Potere, Princeton University ; Annemarie Schneider, University of California, Santa Barbara
Assessing the Consistency of Age and Sex Distributions in the Census, the Population Estimates Program, and the American Community Survey Gregory Robinson, U.S. Census Bureau ; Julie Meyer, U.S. Census Bureau
The Lee-Carter Automatic Retrieval Engine (LAR-E): A User-Friendly, Web-Based Implementation of the Lee-Carter Mortality Forecast Method, with Extensions Webb Sprague, University of California, Berkeley
Economic Crisis and Ethnic Differences in Desired Fertility: Russian and Tartar Preferences in the Late 1990s Kristen Adkins, University of Texas at Austin
A Successful Government and NGO Partnership in the Provision of Safe Abortion Services: A Case Study of Pune District, India Sushanta Banerjee, Ipas ; Rukmini Potdar, Ipas
Cohabitation versus Marriage: First Union Formation in Hungary Cristina Bradatan, University of Central Florida ; Laszlo J. Kulcsar, Kansas State University
IUD Use in Turkey DeAnna L. Gore, Florida State University
The Agricultural Transition and Fertility Decline in Developing Countries Eric B. Jensen, Pennsylvania State University
A 2006 National Audit of the Availability of Comprehensive Abortion Services (CAC) in the Republic of South Africa: Availability, Method Mix and Spatial Concentration of Services Ellen M.H. Mitchell, Ipas ; Mosotho Gabriel, Ipas ; Karen Trueman, Ipas ; Errol Knonko, Ipas ; Edward Cherry, Ipas ; Janie Benson, Ipas
Association between Migratory Experience and Sexual Behaviors among Young Adults in Thailand Sureeporn Punpuing, Mahidol University ; Philip Guest, Population Council ; Umaporn Pattaravanich, Mahidol University ; Chai Podhisita, Mahidol University
Mistimed and Unwanted Pregnancies in Bangladesh: Trends and Determinants Mamunur Rashid, Bowling Green State University ; Naima Shifa, Bowling Green State University
Reproductive Morbidity among Tribal and Non-Tribal Women in India: A Special Focus on Domestic Violence Ruchi Sogarwal, National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) ; Laxmi Kant Dwivedi, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Long-Term Consequences of Adolescent Fertility in Colombia Piedad Urdinola, Universidad Nacional de Columbia, Bogota ; Carlos Ospino, Foundation for the Development of the Caribbean (FUNDESARROLLO)
Attitudes toward Gay Marriage: The Influence of Sociodemographic Characteristics, Religious, and Political Attitudes Stacey Brumbaugh, Bowling Green State University ; Laura A. Sanchez, Bowling Green State University ; Steven Nock, University of Virginia ; James D. Wright, Central Florida University
Obesity and the Timing of Cohabitation and Marriage Tianji Cai, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Fatherhood in Lesotho: The Effects of Children’s Living Arrangements with Biological Fathers and Other Adult Male Relatives on Current School Enrollment Thandie Hlabana, Brown University
Socioeconomic Development and Changes in Life Values and Family Formation Attitudes Li-Shou Yang, University of Michigan ; Yu-Hsuan Lin, Bureau of Health Promotion, Taiwan
Racial Intermarriage and Divorce in the United States Vincent K. Fu, University of Utah ; Nicholas H. Wolfinger, University of Utah
How Many African Americans Are Missing? Differential Racial Mortality, Excess African American Deaths, and Lost Population Growth in the United States, 1900-2000 Mary Jackman, University of California, Davis ; Kimberlee A. Shauman, University of California, Davis
Predicting Physical and Psychological Abuse for White, Black, and Hispanic Married Women Carolyn Sawtell, Florida State University ; Isaac W. Eberstein, Florida State University
Are Latinos Becoming White? Determinants of Latinos' Racial Self-Identification in the U.S. Jeffrey M. Timberlake, University of Cincinnati ; Joseph Michael, University of Cincinnati
The Effect of Religiosity on Male and Female Fertility Li Zhang, Texas A&M University