Adolescent Marriage, Fertility and Reproductive Health in Bangladesh
M. Mazharul Islam, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
This paper analyses the marriage, fertility and reproductive health of married adolescent (age 15-19) girls in Bangladesh. The study utilizes data from the 1999-2000 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS). Discrete-time hazard model is used to estimate the probability of woman having a first birth during adolescence. The data shows a very high incidence of early childbearing in Bangladesh as 35 percent of all adolescents and 72 percent of ever-married adolescents became mother or pregnant within age 15-19. More than sixty percent (61.3 percent) of the young women aged 20-24, who have just completed adolescent period, had a child by age 20. Teenage parenthood is higher among the adolescents from rural, illiterate and poor economic status groups. The annual age-specific fertility rate for adolescents of age 15-19 is 144 births per 1,000 women, which constitutes about 22 percent of the overall TFR. Education, economic status and exposure to television appeared as important determinants of adolescent childbearing.
Presented in Poster Session 4