Coresidential Stability among Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples
Gary J. Gates, University of California, Los Angeles
Studies documenting numerous advantages to stable marriages and quality relationships explain why the indicators and outcomes of long-term relationship stability are of great interest to social scientists. The bulk of research on relationship stability and duration focuses on heterosexual couples. Many same-sex couples maintain long-term relationships, yet little is known about the degree to which these relationships provide similar advantages. This study uses data from Census 2000 (United States) to compare demographic and economic differences among three different coupling arrangements—different-sex married, different-sex unmarried, and same-sex couples—and explore how these differences correlate and perhaps predict long-term coresidential stability. Findings indicate broad similarity across couple types in predictors of stability. Notably, the odds of being in a long-term relationship relative to different-sex married couples are higher for same-sex couples living in states with sexual orientation anti-discrimination laws, suggesting that supportive social and legal climates do impact relationship stability in couples.
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Presented in Session 95: Same-Sex Unions