Mistimed and Unwanted Pregnancies in Bangladesh: Trends and Determinants
Mamunur Rashid, Bowling Green State University
Naima Shifa, Bowling Green State University
This study analyzes the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey data to investigate the trends and determinants of unintended (unwanted and mistimed) pregnancies in Bangladesh. A multinomial logistic regression analysis of the predictors of unintended pregnancy is conducted using a subsample of women whose most recent pregnancy occurred within five years preceding the survey. Results reveal an increasing trend of unintended pregnancy among the earlier surveys but a declining pattern is observed by the latest survey. Nearly one-third of the most recent pregnancies in Bangladesh are unintended. The study has identified several explanatory variables that significantly influenced the likelihood of unwanted or mistimed pregnancy. Services should focus on helping those groups of women who are identified in the analysis as being at increased risk of unintended pregnancy – less educated, high-parity, and older women of age 30 and above, women in Barisal and Rajshahi region, and those in the urban areas.
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Presented in Poster Session 6