Relationship Context and Men’s Transition to a Subsequent or Higher Order Birth: Preliminary Evidence from the Fragile Families and Child Well-Being Study
Jacinta M.H. Bronte-Tinkew, Child Trends
Cassandra A. Logan, Child Trends
Elena K. Kennedy, Child Trends
This project examines the association between relationship quality and relationship status and the experience of a subsequent or higher order birth among males. This study extends a small but growing research literature on male fertility by addressing two primary research questions: 1) Is relationship quality associated with fathering a subsequent or higher-order birth (either with the same partner or another partner)?; and 2) Do these associations differ by men’s union status? (i.e., for fathers who are married, cohabiting, romantically involved and report not being in a relationship) The project uses data from the baseline, 12-month follow-up and 3-year follow-up father surveys from the Fragile Families and Child Well-Being Study (Fragile Families). Fragile Families is a longitudinal study that provides information on the characteristics of fathers and mothers and their relationships with one another at the time of their child’s birth, and on the factors that support or strain their relationships.
Presented in Session 163: Transition into Fatherhood