The Changing Demographic Characteristics of the Fastest-Growing Metropolitan Areas: A Comparison using the 2000 and 2005 American Community Survey
Yun Zhou, Arizona State University
Of the top ten fastest-growing metropolitan areas in the U.S. between 1990 and 2000, three have populations of more than 1 million: Las Vegas, Phoenix, and Austin. Utilizing the 2000 and 2005 American Community Survey, this paper examines the demographic and socioeconomic trends of new domestic migrants versus international migrants in these fastest-growing metropolitan areas. The 2005 ACS shows important shifts in composition due to an increasing proportion of domestic to international migrants. During 2000 to 2005, younger age structure, higher educational attainment, higher income and smaller household size are more prevalent among minorities, especially domestic migrants. However, older age structure and increasing household size are prevalent among Whites. The analyses should shed light on the extent to which young minorities come to these metro areas attracted by the fast economic and social development, while more older Whites come to seek space and sun in these once-sleepy Southwestern areas.
Presented in Session 69: Migration and Urbanization Processes