The Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Addressing Public Health in Post-Conflict Situations: A Case Study from the Democratic Republic of Congo

Jessica L.W. Flannery, Emory University

Little is known of the role of public private partnerships for health in post-conflict situations. Previous research has examined corporations’ roles in economic development and peace building. By examining a health focused public private partnership, this study expands on research on programmatic approaches to health in post-conflict countries. This paper examines a case study of a private public partnership for food fortification in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In-depth interviews were conducted with key actors in the public-private partnership. Results show that public private partnerships can have unique advantages during the formative period following conflict, including the ability to work within existing distribution networks, encouraging efficiency among public entities, and helping to promote social responsibility among private actors. The study highlights the potential for public private partnerships to be harnessed for health initiatives in post-conflict situations, although such initiatives must take into account the sometimes disparate needs of public and private organizations.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 5