Preliminary Findings on Migrants-Nonmigrant Differentials in Contraceptive Discontinuation and Contraceptive Switching Behavior in Indonesia
Hui-Peng Liew, Mississippi State University
Understanding the contraceptive use dynamics among women migrants is considered important, especially to a country like Indonesia that is undergoing demographic, social, economic and political changes and experiencing an increasing female-dominated migration during the last few decades. Using the 2000 wave of Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS3), this study seeks to examine the determinants of contraceptive discontinuation and switch among women migrants in Indonesia. The major conclusion from the competing event history analysis is that several demographic, socioeconomic, and community characteristics as well as the quality of the family planning program are significant predictors of contraceptive discontinuation and contraceptive switching among women migrants, although the magnitudes of such effects vary across different migrant types. Hopefully the results of this study will provide guidance to policymakers to employ effective means to incorporate migration and issues that are sensitive to women migrants in their family planning and reproductive health programs.
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Presented in Session 128: Contraceptive Use Dynamics