The Global Distribution of Infant Mortality: A Subnational Spatial View

Adam Storeygard, Brown University
Marc Levy, Columbia University
Glenn D. Deane, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY)

Using data from household surveys, vital statistics and other administrative sources, we compile a spatially explicit dataset detailing infant mortality rates in over 10,000 national and subnational units worldwide, benchmarked to the year 2000. Although their resolution is highly variable, subnational data are available for over 90% of non-OECD population. Concentration of global infant deaths is higher than implied by national data alone. Assigning both national and subnational data to map grid cells so that they may be easily integrated with other geographic data, we generate infant mortality rates for environmental regions, including biomes and coastal zones, by continent. Rates for these regions also show striking refinements from higher resolution data. Possibilities and limitations for related work are discussed.

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Presented in Poster Session 7