Demographic and Behavioral Factors Associated with Inconsistent Condom Use among Women at Sexual Risk in Los Angeles County

Eunice Muthengi, University of California, Los Angeles
Mike Janson, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health

Other than abstinence, the consistent and correct use of condoms or other barriers is the most effective method of preventing HIV and STD infection during sexual intercourse. This study examines factors associated with inconsistent condom use among women during vaginal sex with: (1) a main partner and, (2) other partner(s). The theoretical framework is the Transtheoretical Model of behavioral change which distinguishes consistent condom users from inconsistent users based on their stages of change. Logistic regression analysis was conducted using data from the Los Angeles Countywide Risk Assessment Survey. Significant predictors of inconsistent condom use with a main partner included race, living situation, length of relationship, condom use attitudes, and having a casual partner. For inconsistent condom use with a casual partner, significant factors were having sex while high, condom use attitudes, and receipt of an HIV test. Self-efficacy was associated with consistent condom use in both models.

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Presented in Poster Session 7