African American Residential Mobility: An Analysis of Individual and Contextual Factors
Cecily Darden Adams, University of Maryland
Building on the work of South and Deane (1993), I examine racial differences in residential mobility using multilevel analysis. I analyze 2001 and 2003 American Housing Survey sample data at the individual, household and neighborhood levels, and 2000 U.S. Census data at the metropolitan area level. I found that while African Americans experience higher residential mobility, after controlling for individual and contextual factors, being Black continues to decrease the likelihood of residential mobility. However, race currently has less of a suppression effect on residential mobility then previously. Home ownership remains the most important predictor of decreased residential mobility for both races. While racial differences in the determinants of residential mobility at the individual and household levels persist, metropolitan area predictors changed dramatically. Racial concentration and residential segregation measures no longer significantly predict residential mobility, while economic factors—median rent and home value—better explain racial differences in residential mobility.
See paper
Presented in Poster Session 5