Gender Differences in the Fertility Intentions of Italian Couples
Alessandro Rosina, UniversitĂ Cattolica, Milan
Maria Rita Testa, Vienna Institute of Demography
Recently demographic studies have paid increasing attention to the formation process of reproductive intentions. Since having a birth is a joint decision of both partners, the analysis of partners’ preferences combination takes a central role in the analysis of the family formation process. In this paper we focus on the determinants of childbearing intentions considering female and male partner separately, but taking into account the characteristics and preferences of the other member of the couple. In Italy the total fertility rate is around 1.3 children per woman, while the average desired family size is slightly higher than 2. How much does the possible disagreement within the couple contribute to this gap? What is the influence of late family formation on the couple's childbearing intentions? We used the data of the nationally representative survey Family and Social Subjects, carried out in 2003.
Presented in Session 44: Gender and Reproduction: Micro-Level Approaches