A Successful Government and NGO Partnership in the Provision of Safe Abortion Services: A Case Study of Pune District, India

Sushanta Banerjee, Ipas
Rukmini Potdar, Ipas

Unsafe abortion is a major factor in maternal morbidity and mortality in India. Ipas, an international non-governmental organization in collaboration with the state government of Maharashtra launched a pilot intervention project in Pune district to provide safe, woman-centered abortion care within the public health system. In 2003, Ipas conducted a baseline survey of rural public health facilities in the district to ascertain their training and equipment needs. 26 rural health facilities were selected for the pilot intervention: a combination of training, technical assistance, provision of equipment and IEC and advocacy to increase community awareness and access to quality abortion services. The intervention was a joint effort between the state government of Maharashtra and Ipas. A follow-up survey in 2006 indicates an overall reported improvement in services in terms of trained providers, number of women served and clients’ post-abortion contraceptive acceptance in the intervention centers as compared to the non-intervention sites.

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Presented in Poster Session 6