HIV and Family Planning Service Integration and Voluntary HIV Counseling and Testing Client Composition in Ethiopia.
Heather M. Bradley, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Amare Bedada, Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia
Amy Tsui, Johns Hopkins University
Heena Brahmbhatt, Johns Hopkins University
Duff G. Gillespie, Johns Hopkins University
Aklilu Kidanu, Miz-Hasab Research Center
Using multi-level logistic regression models, we examined associations between family planning (FP) and HIV service integration modality and VCT client composition, self-initiated HIV testing and HIV status among 30,257 VCT clients from Ethiopian non-governmental health facilities. Specifically, associations between facility FP-HIV integration level and the likelihood of VCT clients being atypical FP client-types, versus older (25+ years) married women were assessed. Facilities offering FP and HIV services in the same rooms were 2-13 times more likely to serve atypical FP client-types than those co-locating services in the same compound. Facilities where counselors jointly offered FP-HIV services, and served many repeat FP clients, were less likely to serve atypical FP client-types relative to older, married women. Younger, single men and older, married women were most likely to self-initiate HIV testing (78.2% and 80.6%, respectively), while the highest HIV prevalence was seen among older, married men and women (20.5% and 34.2%, respectively).
See paper
Presented in Session 109: HIV/AIDS in Africa