Reproduction in Crisis: War, Migration and Fertility in Angola

Winfred A. Avogo, Arizona State University

Demographers have devoted a great deal of attention to studying the impact of migration on fertility. There is also a growing body of literature in recent times on the reproductive health risk and needs of forced migrants. However, research on both fronts fails to make an important distinction between voluntary and involuntary (forced) migrants. We believe the impact of war solicits different demographic responses from these two groups. We draw on old-age security theories of reproductive behavior and its alternative theories to formulate hypotheses for this study. Using data from two peri-urban municipalities of Greater Luanda, Angola, we first use multilevel discrete-time logit models to examine the timing of fertility among voluntary and involuntary migrants and compare it to non-migrants. We further analyze cumulated fertility and preferences for additional births among the different migratory groups. Preliminary findings and implications for Angola and other parts of sub-Saharan Africa are discussed.

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Presented in Session 74: Demography of Armed Conflict