Discontinuation and Resumption of Contraceptive Use: Results from the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth
Barbara Vaughan, Guttmacher Institute
James Trussell, Princeton University
Susheela D. Singh, Guttmacher Institute
Kathryn Kost, Guttmacher Institute
Using data from Round 6 of the NSFG, we analyze the probability that a woman will discontinue using a contraceptive method, and having discontinued, she will resume use of that or another method. We produce life table probabilities to analyze contraceptive failure and discontinuation for method-related reasons within 6 months, 12 months, 18 months and 24 months of initiating use of a method. After discontinuation, we calculate the probability of resuming use of specific methods within 12 months, controlling for the method used prior to discontinuation. Using data from the 2001 Abortion Patient Survey, we estimate probabilities adjusted for underreporting of abortions in the NSFG. While contraceptive failure rates remain relatively unchanged since the prior round of the NSFG in 1995, discontinuation for all method-related reasons have increased substantially, as have total discontinuations. We use proportional hazards models to clarify the characteristics related to discontinuation and resumption of use.
Presented in Session 128: Contraceptive Use Dynamics