Economic Analysis of the Abortion Incidence in the U.S. in 2000

Karin Ganter, Ipas

This paper builds on the Medoff (1988) study in which he uses a fertility control model to estimate the demand for abortion in the U.S. The results of this paper are consistent with the Medoff (1988) study confirming that abortion demand is inversely related to price and is directly related to income. Medicaid funding for abortion and the percentage of single women have a significant positive effect on the demand for abortion. Contrary to Medoff (1988), catholic membership and labor force participation of women have significant negative effects on the demand for abortion. This paper extends Medoff’s (1988) study and finds that other socioeconomic and political factors affect a state's abortion demand. The number of abortion providers and the number of hospitals have a direct effect on the abortion rate. State’s abortion restrictions and increased number of family planning clinics have a significant negative effect on the demand for abortion.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 7