Relation between Diabetes and Certain Morbidities in Elderly Population in Puerto Rico
Ana Luisa Davila, University of Puerto Rico
Alberto Garcia, University of Puerto Rico
Mary McEniry, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Aging adults in Puerto Rico tend to have a greater prevalence of diabetes. This poster tries to emphasize some findings on diabetes and their relation with other health conditions in PREHCO. PREHCO is a survey of a nationally representative sample of the elderly population in Puerto Rico (60+). The prevalence of diabetes is 28%. Puerto Ricans have 1.8 times more probability of suffering of diabetes that the non-Hispanic in the United States. Diabetics seem to suffer more of chronic diseases like the depression and obesity. .To attain this objective we will use logistic models to consider the probability of suffering diabetes and depression obesity and heart diseases controlling by different variables: age, the sex, education and economic childhood conditions among others. Data appear to demonstrate a relation between diabetes and depression and attempt to show if depression predicts diabetes or the opposite: diabetes predicts the depression.
Presented in Poster Session 6