Racial/Ethnic Differences in Cancers of the Liver and Stomach in Texas, 1999-2003
George J. Lara, University of Texas at Austin
This project examines racial/ethnic- and sex-based differences in incidence, mortality, and survival rates of cancers of the liver and stomach in Texas for the period 1999-2003. Population-based cancer registry data are used to calculate age-adjusted incidence and mortality rates for two cancers that occur more frequently among Hispanics and blacks in Texas, and are characterized by infectious etiological factors. Further, employing linkage software specifically designed for use with cancer data, incidence and mortality data are linked in order to analyze survival, especially among Hispanics. Preliminary findings illustrate the high liver cancer incidence and mortality rates among Texas Hispanics, as well as the high rates of stomach cancer among both Hispanics and blacks. While the cancer literature in the U.S. consistently highlights relatively low overall cancer incidence and mortality rates among U.S. Hispanics, these morbidities and causes of death do not evidence any Hispanic Mortality Paradox, and warrant further study.
Presented in Session 5: Demography of the U.S. Latino Population