Session 110:
Long Run Trends and Differentials in Mortality
Chair: Elaine Hernandez, University of Minnesota
Discussant: Michael R. Haines, Colgate University
Socioeconomic Differences and Family Clustering of Child Mortality: A Multilevel Analysis of Rural Southern Sweden, 1766-1895 Tommy Bengtsson, Lund University
A Cohort Analysis of Mortality in New Zealand, 1876-2004 Kim Dunstan, Statistics New Zealand ; Jit Cheung, Statistics New Zealand
Decomposing Changes in Life Expectancy at Birth by Age, Sex, and Residence from 1929 to 2000 in China Danan Gu, Duke University ; Danzhen You, University of California, Berkeley ; Haiyan Zhu, University of Michigan ; Sarah E. Tom, University of California, Berkeley ; Yi Zeng, Duke University
The Reversal of the Relation between Economic Growth and Health Progress: Sweden in the 19th and 20th Centuries José A. Tapia, University of Michigan
Gender, Environmental 'Stressors' and Mortality: Tracing Age- and Cause-Specific Mortality Differentials in a Century of Birth Cohorts from England and Wales, France, and the United States Margaret M. Weden, RAND Corporation
Other sessions on Health and Mortality