Saturday, March 31 / 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM   •   Astor Ballroom

Session 131:
Children and Time Use

Chair: Wei-Jun Jean Yeung, New York University
Discussant: Rachel Connelly, Bowdoin College
Discussant: Sabrina Pabilonia, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

  1. Extent and Type of Child Care during the Kindergarten Year and Child Well-Being: A Comparison of Regression and Propensity Score MethodsAmy E. Claessens, Northwestern University

  2. Parents’ Time with Children: Patterns in Diverse Family ContextsHiromi Ono, Washington State University ; Pamela J. Smock, University of Michigan

  3. The Quantity and Quality of Child Care Provision in Australian HouseholdsCharlene M. Kalenkoski, Ohio University ; Gigi Foster, University of South Australia

Other sessions on Children and Youth