Saturday, March 31 / 10:30 AM - 12:15 PM   •   Westside Salon 2

Session 146:
Technological Change and the Labor Force

Chair: Ren Farley, University of Michigan
Discussant: Seth G. Sanders, University of Maryland

  1. Reemployment Rates over the Life Course: Any Hope after Late Career Job Loss?Katharina H. Frosch, Rostock Center for the Study of Demographic Change

  2. Technological Change, On-Site Outsourcing, and Its Consequences for StratificationDebra Hevenstone, University of Michigan

  3. Declining Inter-Industry Wage Dispersion in the United StatesChanghwan Kim, University of Minnesota ; Arthur Sakamoto, University of Texas at Austin

  4. Lifetime Employment in Japan: Concepts and MeasurementsHiroshi Ono, Stockholm School of Economics

Other sessions on Economy, Labor Force, Education, and Inequality