Session 157:
Intentions and Behavior Related to Contraceptive Use and Childbearing
Chair: Jennifer S. Barber, University of Michigan
Discussant: Ann E. Biddlecom, Guttmacher Institute
Effects of Son Preference on Contraception, Abortion, and Fertility in Central Asia: The Case of Uzbekistan Jennifer Barrett, University of Texas at Austin
Economic Reforms, Age at Marriage and the Length of the First Birth Interval in Vietnam Lan Nguyen, Arizona State University
What Kinds of Power Predict Couples' Concordance and Perceptions of Concordance on Birth Desires and Method Preferences? Virginia E. Rutter, Framingham State College ; Koray Tanfer, Battelle- Centers for Public Health Research and Evaluation
Promoting Optimal Inter-Pregnancy Interval in India through Integrated Public Delivery Systems Mary Sebastian, Population Council ; M. E. Khan, Population Council
Other sessions on Fertility, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health