Saturday, March 31 / 12:30 PM - 2:15 PM   •   Westside Salon 1

Session 161:
Population Consequences of Global Warming

Chair: James Cramer, University of California, Davis
Discussant: Thomas M. Dietz, Michigan State University

  1. Preference and Risks of Coastal Population Distribution: A Systematic Assessment of Population and Land Area in Urban and Rural Areas of Coastal ZonesDeborah L. Balk, Baruch College, City University of New York (CUNY) ; Gordon McGranahan, International Institute for Environment and Development ; Bridget Anderson, Columbia University

  2. Demographic Consequences of Sudden Global Cooling in the “Year without a Summer” as Documented by 19th-Century Administrative Records of an Italian TownKatherine M. Condon, Independent Researcher

  3. Fleeing the Storm(s): Evacuations during Florida's 2004 Hurricane SeasonStanley K. Smith, University of Florida ; Chris McCarty, University of Florida

  4. Recent and Historic Population Trends in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands: Hubs and Spokes, Booms and BustsJennifer Sepez, NOAA/National Marine Fisheries Service ; Amanda Poole, University of Washington

Other sessions on Population, Development, and Environment