Thursday, March 29 / 1:30 PM - 3:15 PM   •   O'Neill

Session 36:
Trends in the Timing and Pattern of Retirement in Developed Countries

Chair: Mark G. Duggan, University of Maryland
Discussant: Melissa Hardy, Pennsylvania State University

  1. Accounting for Trends in the Labor Force Participation Rate of Older Men in the United StatesRyan Goodstein, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  2. Who Works Later in Life? A Cross-National Analysis of Employment Rates and Work Hours among Older AdultsJanet C. Gornick, Baruch College, City University of New York (CUNY) ; Traci Schlesinger, Princeton University ; Gary Burtless, The Brookings Institution ; Timothy Smeeding, Syracuse University

  3. Labor Supply Effects of the Recent Social Security Benefit Cuts: Empirical Estimates Using Cohort DiscontinuitiesGiovanni Mastrobuoni, Collegio Carlo Alberto

  4. Retirement Transitions of the Self-Employed in the United States and EnglandJulie M. Zissimopoulos, RAND ; Lynn Karoly, RAND ; Nicole Maestas, RAND

Other sessions on Population and Aging