Thursday, March 29 / 1:30 PM - 3:15 PM   •   Wilder

Session 38:
Economic Factors and Child Development I

Chair: Robert A. Pollak, Washington University in St. Louis
Discussant: Dalton Conley, New York University
Discussant: Charles Brown, University of Michigan

  1. AIDS Treatment and Intrahousehold Resource Allocations: Children’s Nutrition and Schooling in KenyaMarkus Goldstein, World Bank Group ; Joshua Graff Zivin, Columbia University ; Harsha Thirumurthy, Center for Global Development and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  2. Within-Family Program Effect Estimators: The Impact of Oportunidades on Schooling in MexicoSusan Parker, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) ; Petra Todd, University of Pennsylvania ; Kenneth Wolpin, University of Pennsylvania

  3. Nature and Nurture in the Intergenerational Transmission of Socioeconomic Status: Evidence from Swedish Children and Their Biological and Rearing ParentsAnders Björklund, Swedish Institute for Social Research ; Markus Jantti, Åbo Akademi University ; Gary M. Solon, University of Michigan

  4. Is Mortality in Developing Countries Procyclical? Health Production and the Value of Time in Colombia's Coffee-Growing RegionsGrant Miller, Stanford University and National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) ; Piedad Urdinola, Universidad Nacional de Columbia, Bogota

Other sessions on Children and Youth