Session 8:
Racial/Ethnic Segregation
Chair: Craig St. John, University of Oklahoma
Discussant: John Iceland, University of Maryland
The Effects of Local and Extra-Local Neighborhood Conditions on White Mobility Decisions Kyle D. Crowder, Western Washington University ; Scott J. South, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY)
Black-White Segregation in Multiethnic Metropolis: How Does Multigroup Context Alter the Effect of Black-White Segregation for Blacks? Lingxin Hao, Johns Hopkins University ; Amy Lutz, Syracuse University
Disaggregating Trends in Racial Residential Segregation: Metropolitan, Micropolitan, and Non-Core Counties Compared Domenico Parisi, Mississippi State University ; Daniel T. Lichter, Cornell University ; Steven M. Grice, Mississippi State University
Patterns and Trends in the Spatial Scale and Magnitude of Racial Residential Segregation, 1980-2000 Sean F. Reardon, Stanford University ; Barrett A. Lee, Pennsylvania State University ; Chad R. Farrell, University of Alaska at Anchorage ; Stephen Matthews, Pennsylvania State University ; David O'Sullivan, University of Auckland ; Glenn Firebaugh, Pennsylvania State University ; Kendra Bischoff, Stanford University
Other sessions on Race, Ethnicity and Gender