Ghana’s Mortality Profile: With and without HIV/AIDS
Chuks J. Mba, University of Ghana
The present study seeks to raise awareness and expand knowledge about the deleterious effect of HIV/AIDS on Ghana’s life expectancy. Using multiple- and associated single-decrement life table techniques, the study estimates the total number of Ghanaians who would die from HIV/AIDS by the time they reach age 75 from a hypothetical cohort of 100,000 live births, assuming that current mortality conditions prevail. The findings indicate that 7.2 percent of babies will eventually die of HIV/AIDS, and 13.0 percent and 23.4 percent of those aged 60 years, and 75 years and above, respectively, will die of HIV/AIDS. Most deaths will come from persons within the reproductive and productive age groups. A remarkable gain in life expectancy of 10 years would result in the absence of HIV/AIDS. The elderly are likely to be the most active persons to manage the family affairs in the event of the death of their adult children.
See paper
Presented in Session 68: Demography of HIV: Understanding Patterns, Risk Factors, and Impacts of HIV/AIDS