Friday, March 30 / 8:30 AM - 10:15 AM   •   Soho/Herald

Session 68:
Demography of HIV: Understanding Patterns, Risk Factors, and Impacts of HIV/AIDS

Chair: Carl Haub, Population Reference Bureau (PRB)
Discussant: Timothy B Fowler, U.S. Census Bureau

  1. Trends in Contraceptive Use and Condom Use among Single African Women: Evidence from DHSMohamed M. Ali, World Health Organization (WHO) ; John G. Cleland, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

  2. Trends in the Percentage of Children Who Are Orphans in South Africa 1995-2005Barbara A. Anderson, University of Michigan ; Heston Phillips, Statistics South Africa

  3. Estimation of Excess in Context of AIDS Deaths and the Probable Causes 1994-2002Madhulekha Bhattacharya, National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, India ; Sutapa Neogi, National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, India ; Ruchi Sogarwal, National AIDS Control Organization (NACO)

  4. Ghana’s Mortality Profile: With and without HIV/AIDSChuks J. Mba, University of Ghana

Other sessions on Health and Mortality