Measuring Quantum and Tempo of Vital Events by Two-Dimensional Cohort Life Table Functions
Kiyosi Hirosima, Shimane University
Differently defined quantums and tempos of vital events of a hypothetical cohort at certain time has been used for each vital event, for example, the total first marriage rate and the SMAM for first marriage, the TFR and mean age at birth for fertility, and e0 for mortality. These period measures can be formally and uniformly represented by the two-dimensional cohort life table functions at certain time. This approach is an extension of the definition of mean ages at death by Bongaarts and Feeney (2003). By this formalization, we obtain the following three consequences: first, conversion of census-type data into quantum of vital rates; for example, from the SMAM to the total first marriage rate; second, measurement of the tempo effect in the TFR; third, recognition that the some of these period measures are based on the intensity not only at that time but also at time points before that.
Presented in Poster Session 5